Promote your company, its produscts and services, around the world, with our free business account.
Advantages for your company:
It is easy to be found by customers, business clients and new business partners, because we are designed to offer people the informations they are searching for fast and with a minimum of distractions from your company's data.
It is easy and not time consuming to enter information about your company that are necessary for your business database, as well is maintaining and updating it.
Your business web page:
can offer essential informations, controlled by you, to national and international visitors, about your company
will be displayed in searches according to the products your company sells, services your company provides or jobs you company offers
will be listed in BROWSE BUSINESSES
can be linked to from your company's domain, or anywere else
may appear in searches from search engines like Google, Bing, Baidu ...
can be integrated with your company's web domains, because it will transfer the user's search data, like product searched, location for search..., to them
will never contain ads from another company
First-come, first-served policy - which means that the only way for someone, that generates his business web page or activates his business account for the first time after you, to be listed in searches before you, is to buy your account from you or someone else that is in front of you.
Unique structure for displaying public informations for all companies, designed for easy and fast use.
There is a 5euro/month fee, for your business account to be active (only active accounts are displayed in search).
Is easy to be found by customers and business clients.
Is easy to be found by new business partners.
Is easy and not time consuming to enter information about the company that are necessary for your business database.
Your company will be listed in searches based on a core of informations easy to fill, and regardless of new updates to the database or domain.
Is not time consuming to mantain and update your business account.
Unique structure for displaying public informations for all companies.
You can use for free your business database, by linking from your website to the business webpage that we create for your business. For more details see "Tips" is section "Business informations".