Here you can find informations about how our professionals search engines work, and how to integrate the website we generate for you with your domain, if you have one.
Local/National search
International search
Website search
Transferring search data
Service searches:
Skill searches:
Profession searches:
Name searches:
Service searches:
Skill searches:
Profession searches:
Name searches:
Local/national website search:
International website search:
Transferring user search data from local/national searches:
Transferring user search data from international searches:
Transferring user search data from national web page searches:
Transferring user search data from international web page searches:
Getting the user's search data:
<script type="text/javascript">
var userssearch=""; //the user's search word from national or international searches
var userslocation=""; //the location selected by the user for the search. Can be empty, if the user doesn't use one
var userstype=""; //the type of search. Can have 4 values: service, skill, profession and name
var userlastsearch=""; //the last word(service) searched by the user on your national or international web pages
<script type="text/javascript">
function getUrlVars() {
var vars = {};
var parts = window.location.href.replace(/[?&]+([^=&]+)=([^&]*)/gi, function(m,key,value) {
vars[key] = value;
return vars;
<script type="text/javascript">
function getusersdata()
//get user search data from local/national searches
if (getUrlVars()["jubutinatsh"]) { userssearch=decodeURIComponent(getUrlVars()["jubutinatsh"]); }
if (getUrlVars()["jubutinatlc"]) { userslocation=decodeURIComponent(getUrlVars()["jubutinatlc"]); }
if (getUrlVars()["jubutinatty"]) { userstype=decodeURIComponent(getUrlVars()["jubutinatty"]); }
//get user search data from international searches
if (getUrlVars()["jubutiintsh"]) { userssearch=decodeURIComponent(getUrlVars()["jubutiintsh"]); }
if (getUrlVars()["jubutiintlc"]) { userslocation=decodeURIComponent(getUrlVars()["jubutiintlc"]); }
if (getUrlVars()["jubutiintty"]) { userstype=decodeURIComponent(getUrlVars()["jubutiintty"]); }
//get user last search on your professional website
if (getUrlVars()["jubutinatss"]) { userlastsearch=decodeURIComponent(getUrlVars()["jubutinatss"]); }
if (getUrlVars()["jubutiintss"]) { userlastsearch=decodeURIComponent(getUrlVars()["jubutiintss"]); }