Assistance/Help "Local informations"
Assistance/Help "International informations"

Professionals search engines

Here you can find informations about how our professionals search engines work, and how to integrate the website we generate for you with your domain, if you have one.


Local/National search
International search
Website search
Transferring search data


  • The local/national search engines use only the data that you have entered in the section "Local informations" of your professional account, and which is used to generate the national version of your website. All this data should be in your language, or in the language of the country you have selected for your professional account.
  • The field "location" enables the users to search for professionals from a specific city or village.
  • There are 4 types of local/national searches: "service", "skill", "profession" and "name".
  • The searches for "profession" and "name" are free.
  • The searches for "service" and "skill" require an active account.
  • The local/national search engines can be found here:


  • As stated, the field "location" enables the users to search for professionals from a specific city or village.
  • This field is available to the user for all 4 types of local/national searches.
  • This field is optional, which means that if it has a value of less then 2 characters, it will be ignored and a national search will be performed. If its value is 2 characters and more only professionals that have its value included in their location will be displayed.
  • The value that you have entered in the field "Location" in the section "Local informations >> Contact informations" of your account is used to search for matches, if a search with a location is performed.

Service searches:

  • This type of search enables the user to find professionals that offer a specific service.
  • In order to be listed in a service search your professional account must be active.
  • When a service search is performed you will be listed if a match is found with the services that you offer.
  • Only the fields "Service 1-50" found in "Local informations >> Services" are searched for matches, their description is not.
  • When a match is foud with one of your service that service is displayed and its description, and the search for other matches is stopped.

Skill searches:

  • This type of search enables the user to find professionals that have a specific skill set.
  • In order to be listed in a skill search your professional account must be active.
  • When a skill search is performed you will be listed if a match is found with the skills that you have.
  • Only the fields "Skill 1-10" found in "Local informations >> Skills" are searched for matches, their description is not.
  • When a match is foud with one of your skills that skill is displayed and its description, and the search for other matches is stopped.

Profession searches:

  • This type of search enables the user to find professionals that have a specific profession.
  • Searches for profession are free.
  • When a profession search is performed you will be listed if a match is found with your primary profession, expert and specializations, or with your secondary profession, expert and specializations. This is because people may search for an expert or specialization of a profession by mistake.
  • Only the fields "Profession", "specialist", "specializations" and "Secondary profession", "specialist", "specializations" found in "Local informations >> Profession" are searched for matches.

Name searches:

  • This type of search enables the user to find professionals based on their name.
  • Searches for names of professionals are free.
  • When a name search is performed you will be listed if you have that name.
  • Only the field "Name" found in "Local informations >> Contact informations" is searched for matches.


  • The international search engines use only the data that you have entered in the section "International informations" of your professional account, and which is used to generate the international version of your website. All this data should be in english only.
  • Your international web page has to be enabled for you to be displayed in international searches. If it is disabled, you will not be listed in international searches.
  • The field "location" enables the users to search for professionals from a specific city or village.
  • There are 4 types of international searches: "service", "skill", "profession" and "name".
  • The searches for "profession" and "name" are free.
  • The searches for "service" and "skill" require an active account.
  • The international search engines can be found here:


  • As stated, the field "location" enables the users to search for professionals from a specific city or village.
  • This field is available to the user for all 4 types of international searches.
  • This field is optional, which means that if it has a value of less then 2 characters, it will be ignored and a national search will be performed. If its value is 2 characters and more only professionals that have its value included in their location will be displayed.
  • The value that you have entered in the field "Location" in the section "International informations >> Contact informations" of your account is used to search for matches, if a search with a location is performed.

Service searches:

  • This type of search enables the user to find professionals that offer a specific service.
  • In order to be listed in a service search your professional account must be active.
  • When a service search is performed you will be listed if a match is found with the services that you offer.
  • Only the fields "Service 1-50" found in "International informations >> Services" are searched for matches, their description is not.
  • When a match is foud with one of your service that service is displayed and its description, and the search for other matches is stopped.

Skill searches:

  • This type of search enables the user to find professionals that have a specific skill set.
  • In order to be listed in a skill search your professional account must be active.
  • When a skill search is performed you will be listed if a match is found with the skills that you have.
  • Only the fields "Skill 1-10" found in "International informations >> Skills" are searched for matches, their description is not.
  • When a match is foud with one of your skills that skill is displayed and its description, and the search for other matches is stopped.

Profession searches:

  • This type of search enables the user to find professionals that have a specific profession.
  • Searches for profession are free.
  • When a profession search is performed you will be listed if a match is found with your primary profession, expert and specializations, or with your secondary profession, expert and specializations. This is because people may search for an expert or specialization of a profession by mistake.
  • Only the fields "Profession", "specialist", "specializations" and "Secondary profession", "specialist", "specializations" found in "International informations >> Profession" are searched for matches.

Name searches:

  • This type of search enables the user to find professionals based on their name.
  • Searches for names of professionals are free.
  • When a name search is performed you will be listed if you have that name.
  • Only the field "Name" found in "International informations >> Contact informations" is searched for matches.


  • Your professional website, that we generate for you, has two web pages: one for national and local visitors, which should be in your language, or in the language of the country that you have selected for your account, and one for international visitors, which should be in english. The international webpage is optional, and will only be generated if you enable it.
  • Your local/national web page has its own search engine that offers the visitors the possibility to search for services that you provide.
  • Your international web page, if enabled, has its own search engine that offers the visitors the possibility to search for services that you provide in english.

Local/national website search:

  • The search engine found on your national web page makes it possible for visitors to search for a specific service, only from the list of services that you are providing.
  • When a search is performed all the services that are a match will be displayed along with their description.
  • Only the fields "Service 1-50" found in "Local informations >> Services" are searched for matches, their description is not.

International website search:

  • The search engine found on your international web page makes it possible for international visitors to search for a specific service in english, only from the list of services that you are providing.
  • When a search is performed all the services that are a match will be displayed along with their description.
  • Only the fields "Service 1-50" found in "International informations >> Services" are searched for matches, their description is not.


  • In order to make it easy and fast for you to redirect visitors that decide to go to your domain for more informations, we will transfer the visitors search data to your website.
  • This service is free and is available to inactive accounts also.
  • You must have your own web domain if you wish to integrate it with your professional website that we generate for you.
  • If your "Official website" is a social account on facebook, google+, twitter ..., you will not be able to integrate them with your professional website.
  • The user search data will be added to the URL(website address) of your "Official website" found in "Local informations >> Contact informations" and "International informations >> Contact informations".

Transferring user search data from local/national searches:

  • This is possible when a user arrives to your professional website from any type of local/national search.
  • The user search data will be added to the URL of your "Official website" found in "Local informations >> Contact informations" if it exists.
  • From local/national searches we will transfer 3 name=value pairs:
    • jubutinatsh -the word searched by the user
    • jubutinatlc -the location selected by the user for the search. Can be empty, if the user doesn't use one.
    • jubutinatty -the type of search. Can have 4 values: service, skill, profession and name
  • The value of this variables will likely be in your language, or in the language of the country you have selected for your professional account, except for "jubutinatty" which can only have 4 values: service, skill, profession and name.

Transferring user search data from international searches:

  • This is possible when a user arrives to your professional website from any type of international search, if the international version of your website is enabled.
  • The user search data will be added to the URL of your "Official website" found in "International informations >> Contact informations" if it exists.
  • From international searches we will transfer 3 name=value pairs:
    • jubutiintsh -the word searched by the user
    • jubutiintlc -the location selected by the user for the search. Can be empty, if the user doesn't use one.
    • jubutiintty -the type of search. Can have 4 values: service, skill, profession and name
  • The value of this variables will likely be in english.

Transferring user search data from national web page searches:

  • When a visitor performes a search for a service on the national page of your website, we will transfer that word to the URL of your "Official website" found in "Local informations >> Contact informations"
  • From national web page service searches we will transfer one name=value pairs:
    • jubutinatss -the last word(service) searched by the user on your national web page
  • This variable will not replace the three variables from "Transferring user search data from local/national searches", instead will be added after them, if they exist.
  • The value of this variable will likely be in your language, or in the language of the country you have selected for your professional account.

Transferring user search data from international web page searches:

  • When a visitor performes a search for a service on the international page of your website, we will transfer that word to the URL of your "Official website" found in "International informations >> Contact informations"
  • Your international web page must be enabled for this search engine to exist.
  • From international web page service searches we will transfer one name=value pairs:
    • jubutiintss -the last word(service) searched by the user on your international web page
  • This variable will not replace the tree variables from "Transferring user search data from international searches", instead will be added after them, if they exist.
  • The value of this variable will likely be in english.

Getting the user's search data:

  • If you need the user's search data, you can use the following JavaScript to get them:

<script type="text/javascript">
var userssearch=""; //the user's search word from national or international searches
var userslocation=""; //the location selected by the user for the search. Can be empty, if the user doesn't use one
var userstype=""; //the type of search. Can have 4 values: service, skill, profession and name
var userlastsearch=""; //the last word(service) searched by the user on your national or international web pages

<script type="text/javascript">
function getUrlVars() {
var vars = {};
var parts = window.location.href.replace(/[?&]+([^=&]+)=([^&]*)/gi, function(m,key,value) {
vars[key] = value;
return vars;

<script type="text/javascript">
function getusersdata()
//get user search data from local/national searches
if (getUrlVars()["jubutinatsh"]) { userssearch=decodeURIComponent(getUrlVars()["jubutinatsh"]); }
if (getUrlVars()["jubutinatlc"]) { userslocation=decodeURIComponent(getUrlVars()["jubutinatlc"]); }
if (getUrlVars()["jubutinatty"]) { userstype=decodeURIComponent(getUrlVars()["jubutinatty"]); }

//get user search data from international searches
if (getUrlVars()["jubutiintsh"]) { userssearch=decodeURIComponent(getUrlVars()["jubutiintsh"]); }
if (getUrlVars()["jubutiintlc"]) { userslocation=decodeURIComponent(getUrlVars()["jubutiintlc"]); }
if (getUrlVars()["jubutiintty"]) { userstype=decodeURIComponent(getUrlVars()["jubutiintty"]); }

//get user last search on your professional website
if (getUrlVars()["jubutinatss"]) { userlastsearch=decodeURIComponent(getUrlVars()["jubutinatss"]); }
if (getUrlVars()["jubutiintss"]) { userlastsearch=decodeURIComponent(getUrlVars()["jubutiintss"]); }

More help:
Assistance for inputting data in "International informations" -will help you input data in the section "International informations", that generates the international version of you website.
Professionals search engines -will explain how the search engines for professionals work.

Assistance for business accounts:
Assistance for inputting data in "business informations" -will help you enter your company's contact informations, and explain how your website is generated.
Assistance for inputting data in "Products/Services" -will help you input data for your products/services database, explains how our search engines work, and how to retrieve visitor's search data.