Africa Free Ads

Since 2015, our website lets people post and search, for free, ads destined for people from Africa.

Africa free ads picture

Post Free Ads for Africa

If you wish to sell something that you do not need anymore, or if you are looking for a partner in a project from Africa, we provide you with a free online platform where you can post an ad.

Africa post ad picture

Searching for opportunities from Africa

Here, you can search for products, services and opportunities offered by people from Africa.

Shearch ads from Africa picture

The following countries from Africa have their own ads database:
Algeria free ads
Angola free ads
Benin free ads
Botswana free ads
Burkina Faso free ads
Burundi free ads
Cameroon free ads
Cape Verde free ads
Central African Republic free ads
Chad free ads
Comoros free ads
Congo free ads
Congo, Democratic Republic of the free ads
Djibouti free ads
Egypt free ads
Equatorial Guinea free ads
Eritrea free ads
Ethiopia free ads
Gabon free ads
Gambia free ads
Ghana free ads
Guinea free ads
Guinea-Bissau free ads
Ivory Coast free ads
Kenya free ads
Lesotho free ads
Liberia free ads
Libya free ads
Madagascar free ads
Malawi free ads
Mali free ads
Mauritania free ads
Mauritius free ads
Morocco free ads
Mozambique free ads
Namibia free ads
Niger free ads
Nigeria free ads
Reunion free ads
Rwanda free ads
Saint Helena free ads
Sao Tome and Principe free ads
Senegal free ads
Seychelles free ads
Sierra Leone free ads
Somalia free ads
South Africa free ads
South Sudan free ads
Sudan free ads
Swaziland free ads
Tanzania free ads
Togo free ads
Tunisia free ads
Uganda free ads
Western Sahara free ads
Zambia free ads
Zimbabwe free ads
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