Jubuti - Oceania business database

Jubuti.com is an international business database, with databases for all the countries in Oceania.

The domain homepage, www.jubuti.com, allows client to business searches for each country in Oceania at specific locations(City, Village...).

An business to business search engine can be found at www.jubuti.com/jubutibtb.html, which allows companies to search for specific types of providers of products or services in each country from Oceania.

Companies from Oceanian countries have to supply their contact informations and up to 1000 products, in their business account. Using this information a webpage for the business will be created with an national and an international mode, and a search engine for its products database.

Companies from Oceania can use for free their business webpage at jubuti.com, by linking to it from their own domains. Businesses can find their web page in their accounts at 'Account management'. See "Tips" for more details on how to link to your business webpage.

We invite you to use jubuti.com if you need to find a business from an Oceanian country that supplies a product or is a specific type of provider of a product/service, or to add your business to one of the databases of the Oceanian countries.

The countries from Oceania that have a business database, which contains: companies, firms, businesses, industries, and allows people to perform products and services searches(client to business search, CTB, C2B) in national language, or allows companies and people to perform business to business searches(suppliers search, BTB, B2B) for types of suppliers(producers, service providers, retailers, wholesalers, dealers, brokers) of products and services, in english or national language, are:

American Samoa
Cook Islands
French Polynesia(Tahiti)
Marshall Islands
New Caledonia
New Zealand
Northern Mariana Islands
Papua New Guinea
Solomon Islands

The countries from Oceania listed above, also have a professional database which allow visitors to search for professionals that provide services that they need, have a certain skill or name. Professionals can open a free professional account if they want to promote their skills and services to local and international visitors to the website we generate for them.


Oceania business database: companies, firms, businesses, industries, Oceania products and services search(client to business search, CTB, C2B)

Oceania international business database: producers, service providers, retailers, wholesalers, dealers, brokers, Oceania suppliers search(business to business search, BTB, B2B)

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